To Give Up or Not To Give Up

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Frank Sarpong

In the wilderness, Jesus faced hunger—a gnawing emptiness that echoed through His humanity. The devil, cunning and persistent, whispered seductive promises: stones into bread, kingdoms at His feet, and angelic rescue. Yet, Jesus chose a different path—a path that illuminates our own struggles.

Hunger and Contentment: Jesus, famished after forty days, resisted the devil’s invitation to turn stones into bread. His response: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Lesson: When hunger gnaws within us—whether for food, success, or validation—let’s seek sustenance beyond the material. Nourish our souls with purpose, gratitude, and trust in God’s provision.

Anger and Self-Control: The devil urged Jesus to prove His divinity by leaping from the temple’s pinnacle. Jesus declined, saying, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”

Lesson: When anger surges—when we’re tempted to lash out, seek revenge, or prove our worth—let’s pause. Like Jesus, let’s choose self-control over impulsive reactions. Trust that God’s timing and purpose prevail.

Wastefulness and Stewardship: The devil promised Jesus dominion over all kingdoms. But Jesus knew true kingship wasn’t about power; it was about stewardship. He replied, “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

Lesson: In a world of excess, let’s resist wastefulness. Be stewards of our resources—time, talents, and treasures. Worship isn’t just in the sanctuary; it’s in responsible choices that honor God’s creation.

Jealousy and Humility: The devil dangled authority before Jesus, tempting Him to grasp it. Jesus responded, “Get behind me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”

Lesson: Jealousy blinds us to God’s sovereignty. Instead, let’s embrace humility. Recognize that true greatness lies in serving others, not in vying for supremacy. Jealousy fades when we fix our gaze on God.

And so, we journey:

From the wilderness of our hearts to the battleground of daily choices. Like Jesus, we face temptations—subtle whispers that beckon us away from God’s path. But armed with His example, we can resist, choosing contentment, self-control, stewardship, and humility.

May our lives echo His response: “Get behind me, temptations! I choose the narrow way—the way of love, grace, and unwavering faith